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Home Is Where the Heart Is

This Christmas, the plans were to spend it with my husband's family here in Minnesota.  I've been away from my family for the holidays before, but this year was more difficult than some, as my heart was feeling that "home" was back in Canada.    We all have holiday traditions, and while they may not be spectacular or out of the ordinary, they're unique to us, and have shaped our perspectives in some way or another.  That said, I felt like this year, I was looking for something that would give me a sense of tradition and solidarity--something that would give me the feeling of "home" away from home. 

I'm grateful for all that has happened this Christmas Day, and for the wonderful "Minnesota" family I've been blessed with.  I've realized that it only takes a moment for a new tradition to be born, and in those moments we can discover that our true sense of home lies within the relationships and the love we have as family.  This year, Christmas Eve was filled with the beautiful reminder of Why we celebrate this season, and the Hope we have in Christ's coming to earth as a baby.  We enjoyed a feast of Swedish pancakes--a great and tasty tradition that my husband's family has carried on for years.  Perhaps the most meaningful part of this holiday though, was joining together as a family, along with other friends, to provide Christmas dinner for the homeless--people who are truly without a traditional "home", but were able to benefit from a sense of community and celebration on this very special day.

I'm honored and humbled to say that the events of today have changed my perspective on what home truly is, and I've realized that home can be many places and many things.  However, its the relationships we have that truly shape our perspectives and our traditions, and have the ability to truly guide our hearts home.

 Merry Christmas 2010 to all.......enjoy all that "home" is to you, and have a wonderful week of celebration!

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