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My Favorite One-Year-Old

As I mentioned in my previous post, I had the honor (and fun) of being a part of my niece's first birthday party last week.  I'm pretty sure that the terrible cold/flu bug I caught during my trip up to Canada was care of Delta airlines, but being with family made this sickness I've been struggling with for the past few days worth it.

I was really excited for one of the gifts I had for my little niece.  I'd worked on creating it for a while before her birthday, and am so pleased with how it turned out.  I have to say that the idea for the piece was not my own, so credit is due to this talented lady for inspiring the project.

I started with a color palette that I knew would complement my niece's nursery.....the hope was that the piece would turn out nice enough to hang there!

Then I decided on a phrase that could be repeated and fit the letters of her name within it.  I used the phrases "I am a child of God" and "Jesus loves the little children" and strung them together to create the lettered background I needed.  Then I got to work cutting out all the letters with my Cricut.

I used a white linen fabric for added background texture on the letters.  And voila!.......the finished product:

I love how it turned out, and the simple white frame and large mat set of the "art" quite nicely.

Most importantly, it was a huge hit at the party, and although I'm sure my sweet niece had no idea what was going on (or that this piece had her name on it!), my brother and sister-in-law love it.......and I think they even plan on hanging it in her room :)


nealy said...

Love this!

Ralna said...

Love it Kristen! What a sweet gift! :)

My House, My Garden said...

Awesome idea!! I may have to pull a copycat on you. :)
Your neice's birthday party has shamed me. I thought I gave my daughter pretty great parties but this one, wow!! I better start now if I want hers to be anything like your neice's. I only have four months. Yikes!