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One Step Forward........Two (Sleepy) Steps Back

Its been over a month since I've posted, and I'm embarrassed to say the least.  My excuse is this guy:

He is truly the happiest, most compliant and fun baby.  I am having the time of my life raising him, watching him grow, and being a part of all the little milestones that happen each day.  And then the night comes :)  For the past 6-8 weeks, this little prince has been waking up during the night--no less than 8 times a night--and we're beyond stumped as to why.  We've ruled out hunger, teething, pain of any sort, and have come to accept the fact that our little monster is dependent on the comfort that comes from his pacifier, and (loudly) demands it be put back in several times a night.  I don't want to deny him this little "vice", so we've been dealing with it the best we can, but night after night of interrupted sleep takes its toll.  Together with starting work again part-time, I've been one tired mama for many weeks now!

Tate is six months old today, and I'm hopeful that soon we'll turn a corner with the sleeping and waking.  We also just got back from a wonderful vacation in Mexico, and he was a wonderful sleeper while we were there so I feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle the next challenge.....teething :)  For now though, we have some great family memories of our first vacation together:

Tate, lovin' his chubby little life under the palm trees in paradise......

Having so much fun being toted around by daddy in the Bjorn--what a lifesaver that thing is sometimes!

On the last day of vacation, at sunset, with a well-rested and relaxed mama......lets hope it stays that way for a while!

I'm planning on re-engaging with the blog world, now that things have started to feel a bit more normal around here.  Whatever "normal" means with a baby in the house!  Hope to get some updates on here soon with some of the recent design happenings around my house!


Angela said...

It looks like you had a wonderful vacation! We too just did a family vacation to Mexico!

Lisa Mende said...

He is precious! That looks like a happy baby! Enjoy every minute!

Holly Gruszka said...

Kristen! I've been thinking about you. And I'm so happy you guys were able to get away to Mexico, that is fantastic! We spent our honeymoon in Mexico and we loved it. Your little guy is getting so big! And you know one day he'll lose that pacifier and not even want it back - that's the crazy thing. I had a friend whose little boy was the same way about his too. Looking forward to seeing what's been happening at your house too.

Sarah said...

So good to see you back! You look great and he is adorable! looks like a relaxing time...hang in there and get some over the counter sleep stuff like Melatonin or Midnight, both work well -;-))

David said...

More pictures of Josh!

Lauren (The Cottage Mix) said...

Kristen he is soooo precious! Looks like a fantastic vacation.