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My New Kitchen: A Favorite 2010 Project Revealed!

Since this is my official week back at work from "Christmas vacation" it sort of feels like New Year's just happened, and its the beginning of the year for me.  I'm looking forward to a productive and rewarding 2011, and hoping that I can stick to some of my resolutions.  I'm the kind of girl with an ongoing "to do" list and I love projects.  However, I also get overambitious and have a tendency to keep adding new things without first completing the old ones.  I'm resolving this year to be a little more strict with myself, and not let my creative mind wander all over the place before finishing the tasks at hand.  That said, I'm looking back to my favorite completed project of 2010, hoping to be inspired by the work that was done, and motivated to keep going and make my little "cottage" feel more and more like home.  Hope you enjoy the transformation!

Even though this kitchen was tired and in desperate need of modernization, it had such nostalgia and charm.  The family who lived here for 40 years previous to us buying the home had been great hosts, and welcomed countless guests into their home.  I know this little kitchen worked very hard to produce wonderful meals and create meaningful fellowship among friends and family.  Needless to say, I was glad to get rid of the golden oak cabinets, wallpaper, laminate flooring, and quirky layout!

Here are a couple of drawings I did to conceptualize the space.  These are the ones I settled on as the final design, but I did multiple layouts and design plans during the initial stages.  I usually do this with client projects as well--there are often many ways to achieve a well-designed layout, and the hybrid of a few ideas can form a great final design.

Here it is.....the finished product!  I'm pretty excited about how it all came together, and at how drastically transformed the space was.  The major things we did were removing the wall that separated the dining room from the kitchen, and removing two small kitchen windows in order to add one large one.  This opened the space up tremendously, but still respected the age and existing layout of the home.  Open concept homes have been a trend for a few years now, but I'm noticing that trends are moving toward floor plans that are more compartmentalized.  This house needed to maintain some separation, and opening up just one wall keeps things proportionate while still adding an airy feel.

It wasn't hard to decide on the cabinet color, given my love of white kitchens.  I opted for a door style that is a little more contemporary, adding pilasters that come to the floor to give the base cabinets a more unique look.  The overall feel is kind of "bistro-modern", using classic elements like honed granite, marble and polished nickel, and mixing them with contemporary lines and cool stainless steel.  That little island is an IKEA find, and is just the right size.  My kitchen didn't have the width for a traditional island with seating, but still needed something for additional work space and storage.  I bought this one, and had a marble remnant cut to fit the top to make it look a little more customized.

And finally, here's the kitchen "in use" by my precious little niece.  That little sink was the perfect size for her "bathtub".........I love her to pieces, and think it doesn't get much cuter than this!

Thanks for checking out my new space.  Cheers to a great start to 2011, and may it hold lots of new design adventures and completed projects!


Janell @ House of Fifty said...

Just found your blog via a comment on mine. OH MY, love what you did to transform your kitchen...I'm am off to post on facebook/twitter! And congrats on Stella & Dot, I just received a few new spring samples and not waiting for warmer weather to wear!

Tonia Lee Smith said...

What a fabulous transforation, found out about you via twitter. I'm one of your lastest followers.

Karla said...

It is absolutely gorgeous!! And I LOVE what you did with the Ikea island. It looks fantastic! I'll be making sure that my husband sees these pictures. I'm just adding to the idea file for our "someday kitchen". :)

~Karla from It's The Little Things...

Pauline Wiles said...

Wow, I'm speechless, this is truly incredible. Thanks, Janell, for the tip!!

Emily A. Clark said...

The kitchen is incredible, but my favorite part is the baby in the sink pic :)

Beka0430 said...

Love your choices. Have you posted a product list? I am curious about the cabinets, backsplash, countertop, etc....

L.Duncan@Home23DuncanBoys said...

Hi!!! Found you from Janell's Facebook page! Your kitchen is AH*MAY*ZING!!!! I can't find anything that I don't like about it! And your niece is the icing on the cake;-)

I'll become a follower when I'm at my computer. Can't do it from my phone:-(

Kathysue said...

Amazing job, you do very well at your profession and how fun to apply what you know in your own home, Kudos to YOU!! Now about your darling niece. Omgosh, she is so cute she almost doesn't look real fro a minute I thought she was a doll!!! Well she is a little doll!!
Janell sent me over love your kitchen!!!Kathysue

Designing Domesticity said...

Also found you thru Janell. Loving your kitchen. will be checking back for more tips as we are trying to gear up for a kitchen re-do this year. Liz

Karla said...

Just had to update from my comment before...Sent the link to my husband (he's at work), he simply replied with "Holy crap! Holy crap!" :) He's all kinds of impressed with your kitchen - we both are! I've shown him countless kitchen makeovers, but I have to say, yours is the one that really has him thinking and dreaming now. So thank you!! Your makeover moves straight to the top of our idea file! XO

~Karla from It's The Little Things...

Jacqueline said...

Freaking amazing! Woweeee! xoxox

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Saw a link on Twitter & wow, at the transformation. What a great job you did, fantastic.

Kim@Chattafabulous said...

Gorgeous transformation and totally timeless! And yes, your neice is squeeze-worthy! Enjoyed my first visit here, will be following!!

Glamour Drops said...

What a transformation! Looks like a very practical kitchen to work in, that also manages to be pretty as well. Greetings from a fellow interior designer but from the other side of the world - in Melbourne Australia.

Rashon Carraway said...

This kitchen is nothing short of spectacular. So well planned and detailed. I mean, I'll even do dishes in this space. I will certainly become a new follower.

Mr. Goodwill Hunting

Ralna said...

Amazing Kristen! You did an amazing job! Totally inspiring! Just think what you could have done with ML2...

So super excited to follow your progress! :)


BunnyTwoShoes said...

I would love to see some of the products and where you purchased them as well. Working on a remodel at the moment and I'm looking to do something similar to what you did! Looks AMAZING!

Heather said...

I just found your blog through Isabella & Max Rooms, and I just wanted to tell you that I LOVE your new kitchen. It is beautiful.

Annie said...

Found you from Janell! SO happy she posted about you! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE your kitchen! We are doing our kitchen this year and I will be definitely be looking to yours for inspiration!

Elizabeth said...

What a beautiful kitchen. I couldn't help noticing how similair your new layout is to our current kitchen layout, which we will be remodeling at some point this year.

I noticed in your before photos the bulkheads. How did you get rid of those or did you just diguise them? We have bulkheads in our kitchen and feel like it will prove to be problematic to attempt to remove them as they often have plumbing or wiring going through them.

I would love to know if you had this problem too and if so, how you solved it, if you don't mind sharing. We would really appreciate it. Thanks!

JTay said...

So lovely! Good work! I'd love to work and live in that kitchen. :)

Unknown said...

Its very awesome. Looks like a actual applied kitchen to plan in, that as well manages to be as well. Greetings from a adolescent auto genius artist but from the added ancillary of the world.

moleremoval said...

This is absolutely gorgeous! And I love you to do that is the IKEA of the island. It looks great! I will make sure my husband to see these photos. I just added to our idea file "that one day the kitchen.
mole removal

Anonymous said...

Oh my~ That's a very lovely kitchen you have there. The floor, the furniture, and the wall matched perfectly. And LOL, it's kinda surprising that your niece actually fits perfectly in your kitchen sink.

Suzann Herny

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